Open Mondays & Fridays by Platform K & Hiatus

Open Mondays & Fridays by Platform K & Hiatus

In September, Platform-K and Hiatus join forces again and organize 4 inclusive dance sessions, on 2 Mondays and 2 Fridays in Brussels. If you are curious, with little or plenty of dance experience we invite you to explore some dance practices from our dancers.


Platform-K is an inclusive dance company, working on the dreams of dancers with a disability. Through the construction of supportive networks, as well as the exploration of inclusive training methods, we create a space where dancers with a disability are allowed to navigate an individual artistic career. During Open Fridays, Platform-K introduces their inclusive contemporary dance training to dancers with and without disabilities.

Hiatus is the dance company of choreographer and dancer Daniel Linehan. With every project, Hiatus aims to create an opening that connects people, with each other and their environment. Open Mondays is a workshop by dancers from Hiatus sharing exercises from their dance practice with anyone who feels like moving, exploring and discovering.

You can register for each session separately. We ask for a 5 euro contribution that goes entirely to the non-profit organization Platform-K.

Other editions of Open Mondays & Fridays

Performing Arts Research and Training Studios

Avenue Van Volxem 164

1190 Bruxelles

BE Belgium

Hiatus vzw